R ussianoil m ajor O A O R osneft has agreedon a25-yearcontract w ith C hinatodeliver365m illiontons of oil tothe countryinadealw orth $270billion.
It is afurther signthat R ussia-the w orld’s biggest oil producer-is focusingonA sia,notEurope,as its m ainbusiness partner of the fu-ture. R ussiacurrentlyexports about 4.4m illionbarrels of oil per day,w ithA sianm arkets ac-countingfor 17% of that.
R ussiacurrentlysends 15m tonnes of oil ayear toC hinathroughtheEast SiberiaPacificO ceanpipeline that openedin2009,a fractionof its 518m -tonne annual oil output.
T hedeal,oneof thebiggest ever inthehistoryof theglobal oil industry,w ill bringR osneft $60-70billioninupfront pre-paym entfrom C hina.It w ill alsoallow R osneft,thew orld’sbiggest publiclylistedoil firm,tosteeplycut its heavydebts anddevelopnew re-m ote A rctic fields.
A ccordingtoratings agencyStandardandPoor’s,R osneft faces large debt m aturities of$6.6bnin2013,$15.9bnin2014,and $16.2bn in 2016. T heC hinesepaym entsw illlightenthis loadconsiderably.
Inaseparate agreem ent,the state-ow nedC hinaN ational Petroleum C orporationhas alsoagreedtotake a 20per cent stake inN ovatek’s $20bn liquefied natural gasprojectonR ussia’s rem oteY am al peninsula. A s part ofthestake,C N P C w ill receive3m m etrictonnes of LN G per year under a long-term con-tract–a m ove thatw illend G azprom’slongtim e m onopolyongas exports.
[責任編輯: 王君飛]